New energy for your home - with unique Danish art by Christina Julsgaard

Book Christina Julsgaard – Inspiring Lecture on Art, Creativity and Storytelling

"I will create – until I die."
That's how simply and powerfully Christina Julsgaard expresses her life mission. Since childhood, she has known that she wanted to live from her dreams, her hobbies and what makes her most happy. And for more than 16 years, she has done just that – living from her creativity in a world that for many seems impossible to navigate.

Contact Christina Julsgaard today and hear more about her lectures on art , creativity and storytelling, which will take you on a journey through a world filled with courage, creativity and perseverance.

What can Christina talk about?

Christina offers a series of inspiring lectures on creativity , art and storytelling, aimed at schools, companies and larger associations. Her presentations combine her personal journey with creative insights and concrete tools that help strengthen motivation, innovation and belief in one's own abilities.

Choose freely between these lecture topics:

  • "From Dream to Reality"
    A story about how Christina, as a 24-year-old fashion designer, created her own brand and paved her way through the fashion industry. A story about courage, ambition and belief in herself.

  • "Living on Creativity – and Surviving"
    Christina shares her experiences navigating a demanding, creative world. Gain insight into how to maintain your creative drive while creating value and making a living from what you love.

  • "Art, Fashion and the Mission to Connect People"
    An inspiring art and storytelling lecture , where Christina delves into her journey from fashion to art and shows how creativity can be used to create energy and connection between people.

  • "The Key to Persistence in a Creative World"
    Learn about the strategies and mindset shifts that have helped Christina overcome the challenges in her career as an artist and creative.

  • "Spirituality in Art – A Healing Channel"
    A unique story about how Christina sees art as a spiritual process that brings joy, energy and healing to both creator and viewer.

Why choose a lecture with Christina Julsgaard?

Christina's lectures on art and creativity are energizing, authentic and full of concrete advice that inspire the audience to take their own dreams and projects to the next level. She shares her passion and stories with an honest approach, where both success stories and challenges become part of the learning.

"I want to give people an energy boost and the belief that anything is possible if you dare to pursue your dreams," says Christina Julsgaard.

Book Christina Julsgaard today!

Would you like an inspiring presentation for your school, company or association? Then contact Christina Julsgaard on +51640048 to hear more about her lectures on creativity , art and storytelling. The lectures leave the audience with energy, motivation and new ideas to act on their own creative dreams.

Do you dare to be inspired? Give your audience a unique insight into the art of living from creativity and storytelling – book Christina Julsgaard now!

"Dear C, thank you for a captivating and personal lecture about your art and journey. Much appreciated from all of us at Søllerød Rotary. Have heard a lot of positive feedback from our members about your works and sculptures 👏🔥 " , Curator Søren Flemming Larsen

Read more about Christina Julsgaard's art here - and her background as a designer here!

Contact Christina Julsgaard today at T: 51640048
Follow @christinajulsgaardart on Instagram - Facebook - Pinterest
Studio address Århusgade 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø. - Open by appointment

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